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Continuously applying compost for three years alleviated soil acidity and heavy metal bioavailability in a soil-asparagus lettuce system

Soil acidification and heavy metal pollution are two common barrier factors threatening plant growth and agro-product quality. Applying manure compost is promising to alleviate soil acidity, while it may increase heavy metal accumulation in soil. In a 3-year field experiment, compost was applied for 12 consecutive harvest seasons at 15, 30, and 45 t ha−1 in a slightly acidic soil. Samples were taken at the twelfth season to examine the changes of soil properties, vegetable productivity, heavy metal accumulation and bioavailability in the soil-asparagus lettuce system. The results showed …

Frontiers in Plant Science

Genetic architecture of root and shoot ionomes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Understanding the genetic basis of mineral nutrient acquisition is key to fully describing how terrestrial organisms interact with the non-living environment. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) serves both as a model organism for genetic studies and as an important component of the global food system. Studies in rice ionomics have primarily focused on above ground tissues evaluated from field-grown plants. Here, we describe a comprehensive study of the genetic basis of the rice ionome in both roots and shoots of 6-week-old rice plants for 20 elements using a controlled hydroponics growth system.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Springer

Utility of multivariate statistical analysis to identify factors contributing river water quality in two different seasons in cold-arid high-altitude region of Leh-Ladakh, India

Monitoring water quality of surface water resources is the key concern in determining the potable water quality in high-altitude region. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate different parameters affecting water quality of river and identify the most important variables and factors significantly affecting water quality. In the present study, multivariate statistical methods including cluster analysis and principal component analysis/factor analysis were applied to analyze the Indus River water quality in the Trans-Himalayan region of India. For this total 25 no. of physicochemical parameters were analyzed in water samples taken from seven different monitoring sites in summer and winter season. All the physical, microbial, chemical, and mineral parameters were analyzed by using the standard methods of American Public Health Association, whereas minerals were determined with the inductively coupled plasma optical emission of spectroscopy method …

Applied Water Science, Springer

Nutritional Profile of Phytococktail from Trans-Himalayan Plants

We estimated the nutritive value, vitamin content, amino acid composition, fatty acid content, and mineral profile of a phytococktail comprising sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), apricot (Prunus armeniaca), and roseroot (Rhodiola imbricata) from trans-Himalaya. The free vitamin forms in the phytococktail were determined by rapid resolution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (RRLC-MS/MS). Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins were detected as the principle vitamins. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with pre-column derivatization was used for identification and quantification of amino acids.  …

Plos One

Distribution of metals and radionuclides in the lichens Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis from the past uranium mining region of Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

The present study was performed in the Elliot Lake area (Ontario, Canada), a site of uranium mining and milling for nearly 40 years between 1950’s and 1990’s. Although mining activities ceased in the mid-1990’s, the site hosts several tailings management areas (TMAs) which are under ongoing rehabilitation and monitoring. Several surveys using lichens as a biomonitoring tool were completed in the 1980s and the 1990s to assess the levels of contaminants. The present survey aimed to re-visit the historical surveys, and to determine the current status of environmental recovery of the area. Our survey consisted of sampling two lichen species, Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis, in an area covering up to 50 km from the former mining operation and the TMAs. The results reported in this work indicated that the levels of metals and radionuclides, diagnostic of mining operations, have decreased over time: particularly, the U, Th and Pb levels in both lichen species dropped by about two orders of magnitude by the 2020’s compared to the 1980’s. Likewise, the Cs-137 levels in both lichen species reflect present day global background. The study provides a new set of present-day regional baseline elemental concentrations for other metals that are associated with mining (Cd, As, Ti, Cs). Finally, there were weak but statistically significant differences in the levels of some elements (U, Th, Cd) between the two lichens, suggesting these two species might have different capture mechanisms or retention abilities.

Heliyon Cellpress

Distribution of metals and radionuclides in the lichens Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis from the past uranium mining region of Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

The present study was performed in the Elliot Lake area (Ontario, Canada), a site of uranium mining and milling for nearly 40 years between 1950’s and 1990’s. Although mining activities ceased in the mid-1990’s, the site hosts several tailings management areas (TMAs) which are under ongoing rehabilitation and monitoring. Several surveys using lichens as a biomonitoring tool were completed in the 1980s and the 1990s to assess the levels of contaminants. The present survey aimed to re-visit the historical surveys, and to determine the current status of environmental recovery of the area. Our survey consisted of sampling two lichen species, Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis, in an area covering up to 50 km from the former mining operation and the TMAs. The results reported in this work indicated that the levels of metals and radionuclides, diagnostic of mining operations, have decreased over time: particularly, the U, Th and Pb levels in both lichen species dropped by about two orders of magnitude by the 2020’s compared to the 1980’s. Likewise, the Cs-137 levels in both lichen species reflect present day global background. The study provides a new set of present-day regional baseline elemental concentrations for other metals that are associated with mining (Cd, As, Ti, Cs). Finally, there were weak but statistically significant differences in the levels of some elements (U, Th, Cd) between the two lichens, suggesting these two species might have different capture mechanisms or retention abilities.

Heliyon Cellpress

Starch Nanocomposite Films: Migration Studies of Nanoparticles to Food Simulants and Bio-Disintegration in Soil

n this work, films containing AgNPs were obtained by different green synthesis techniques (AgNP in situ and AgNP L). The inclusion of nanoparticles in the starch matrix improved both mechanical and barrier properties. The migration of AgNPs from the nanocomposite material to three food simulants (water, 3% v/v acetic acid and 15% v/v ethanol) was studied. The experimental data were fitted by using different widely accepted mathematical models (Fickian, Ritger and Peppas, and Weibull), indicating that the AgNP migration followed a complex mechanism. The silver concentration (mg Ag per kg of simulant) that was released from the nanocomposite films was higher for the samples with AgNPs in situ than for those containing AgNP L. Likewise, the maximum release value (0.141 mg/dm2 for AgNPs in situ in acetic acid simulant) was lower than the limits proposed by the legislation (European Commission and MERCOSUR; 10 and 8 mg/dm2, respectively). The replacement of conventional plastic materials by biodegradable ones requires the evaluation of bio-disintegration tests in soil. In this sense, a period of 90 days was necessary to obtain ≥50% weight loss in both nanocomposite films. Additionally, the bio-disintegration of the samples did not contribute with phytotoxic compounds to the soil, allowing the germination of fast-growing seeds.

Polymers, MPI